Governance and Financial Responsibility
- Will maintain checks and balances of current City Charter.
- Will scrutinize budget expenditures that affect taxpayers.
- Will work with staff to award contracts to the most qualified vendors openly and transparently.
- Will support our business community and value their significant contributions to our community.
- Will require Maplewood businesses to obtain and pay for business licenses.
- Will make myself available for individual and/or group discussions regarding process.
Transparency and Honesty
- Will address all questions brought up at council meetings openly and directly.
- Will publish meeting agendas in a timely manner, ideally the Friday before.
- Will make the city website more user friendly and kept up to date.
- Will explain the council process in a clear, concise, and public manner.
- Will not table meeting minutes that are a matter of public record.
Fairness and Inclusion
- Will include the entire council in nominating candidates for boards and commissions.
- Will establish criteria for candidates based on qualifications and experience.
- Will work with the city manager to retain qualified and productive city staff.
- Will work with the city manager to hire employees based on qualifications, not relationships.
- Will review police orders and procedures to ensure non-discriminatory practices